Absolutely awesome to hear a story like this how going to one game with Joel's boss has turned you guys into season ticket holders. And founding members of this site!
Happy birthday, Christina! All the best and a great interview! Here’s to hoping this off-season is interesting for you, your husband and Delilah, and you enjoy those season tickets next fall!
Happy Birthday! Great article, but Delilah stole the show! She's adorable
She always does. Thanks, Cathy!
Happy birthday! I love this series of stories please keep going!
I've got 177 founding members. We've got a long way to go.
Make that 178... new one today!
Thank you! And I agree, it's a great series.
So much fun. Thanks, Craig!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Reading this while sitting in my adirondeck chair, outside my camper, next to Lake Michigan!
I think I am currently getting cussed out by a little red squirrel.
Getting ready to ride my bike to the beach for a swim!
I will throw a birthday rock in the lake for you!
I'll do that too, before I throw the rock in the Lake.
Happy Birthday.
Ha! This is a good visual.
This is great. Thanks, Sam! Enjoy the beach!
Absolutely awesome to hear a story like this how going to one game with Joel's boss has turned you guys into season ticket holders. And founding members of this site!
Happy birthday, Christina! All the best and a great interview! Here’s to hoping this off-season is interesting for you, your husband and Delilah, and you enjoy those season tickets next fall!
Happy birthday, Christina - and Delilah is a super cutie!
Thanks, Laurie!